Tuesday, 22 March 2016

#UltimateScaleCarBuild: Nissan Silvia PS13 1/24 Tamiya


I posted about my Silvia several times, but with this post things get really serious.
I decided to give all of my best, to build amazing scale car.
Because everyone has their own dreams and my dream is to build scale car, I can be proud of.
Also this is Nissan Silvia, S-Chassis is my favourite car chassis ever produced.

So, let's start!
If You Want to go through in-box, check it here!

I want to do something similiar to BN Sports PS13 which now is painted blue and sits in Ireland.
Also I was inspired by Oliver's RB26-PS13 from Australia.
Wheels will be Weds Kranze LXZ if I could find any... ;)
Also I want to build whole engine bay with RB26DETT from Tamiya's R32 kit.

As You can see in in-box post, there are some missing parts. One of them is chassis, cause it looks like this:

Yep, this is my first scale car ever, so I used really, really bad techniques and now all car looks like garbage.

I re-started work on this about 3 weeks ago, first thing I had to do, was restore body to it's original state.
Then I started work on BN Sports rear bumper:

Some putty:

As You can see, I also worked on left rear fender.

Sanded + side skirts:

Then I fitted previously done rear shelf:

It's really nice, I'll see how it goes under primer.

Then, work on front fenders. As You can see, I cut away bonnet and front bumper. This caused tragical body damage and disproportions but I will fix it!

First step to do this is this frontshield support. It fixed body a bit, but this is not enough.

Next step is permanently fix body and start working on body-kit ;)

Stay tuned!

! :)


  1. A gdzie polskie napisy ?! Model masz skończyć, tak i Ładę 2107, nie ma to tamto ! Samo się nie zrobi !

    Pozdrawiam !


    1. Polskie napisy są tylko do budów, które interesują polską społeczność, a w przypadku tak niszowego modelu to wątpię... :D

      Aaaa, spokojnie, spokojnie, mam wenę na Ładę ;)

      Pozdrawiam, Brociu

  2. W tej chwili czuje się zawiedziony, ale chociaż na fejsie jest PL :D

    1. W pewnej chwili robiło się coś takiego, że na fejsie było wcześniej wszystko, a potem na blogu w zasadzie przekopiowanie tego samego, co mija się z celem. Myślę troszkę nad reorganizacją, aby prowadzenie i bloga i fanpage miało sens i content się nie powtarzał ;)

      Pozdrawiam, Brociu

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